01/09/2024 - 30/11/2025
Piazza vittorio veneto 3, Cassine


The Via Aemilia Scauri, the ancient Roman road which has marked the territory from Piacenza to the Cote d'Azure for more than two thousand years, becomes the thread to follow to experience the history and nature of the area in an engaging game which combines an immersive walk with theatre and art to discover the legendary birth of Monferrato.

A treasure hunt to experience the Middle Ages: The Via Aemilia Scauri, the ancient Roman road which has marked the territory from Piacenza to the Cote d'Azure for more than two thousand years, becomes the thread to follow to experience the history and nature of the area in an engaging game which combines an immersive walk with theatre and art to discover the legendary birth of Monferrato.

A treasure hunt to experience the Middle Ages: starting from the magnificent piazza of Cassine, following the trails of the Medieval pilgrims to the village of Castelnuovo Bormida with its riverside castle, along the straight road of the Via Amelia as far as Sezzadio with the small medieval Church of Santa Maria del Banno, to end the walk on the avenue of the Abbey of Santa Giustina which, as legend has it, is the birthplace of Aleramo, the founder of Monferrato. Along the way, surrounded by nature, in an alternation of farmland and beech, willow and poplar woods, cyclists will meet characters transported from the past. These, in addition to being the "voice" of the places, will involve the participants in their tales through enigmas and riddles to gather as many clues as possible and discover the final treasure. The route will end with refreshments thanks to the contribution of local producers.

Cycling experience - 8 hours (including meeting with the characters) - km 25
altitude difference 200 m - ring circuit
Recommended period: from March to May from mid-September to November


in front of the Church of San Francesco in Cassine


from 01/09/2024 to 30/11/2025

Rates / Supplements

Price per person from:

€ 140,00 (groups of 10 pax)
